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Our Homes

What We Offer

Our independent children’s homes offer a home for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties, aged between seven years and eighteen, of mixed gender, who would benefit from living in a small nurturing home.


We advocate that living and learning together, integrated with more formal therapeutic support as required can have a transformative effect on children and young people. Children who benefit from this along with having secure and positive attachment figures while at our homes will be better prepared for adulthood or their next step, and gain the ability to make more healthy and informed choices in life.

Father & Son Gaming

Brooklyn House


Maddison Lodge


Hand In Hand Childcare offers a flexible approach to placement provision, enabling us to meet a wide range of young people’s needs, including full-time and part-time accommodation, emergency placements, bridging, and short-term placements while being assessed by local authorities. All new placements undergo a rigorous risk assessment process to ensure the safety of all young people already placed within the home. We also accommodate sibling groups, provided appropriate risk assessments support this proposition.


All potential referrals to the home undergo a strict assessment process including collating all required documentation, impact assessments, individual risk assessments and meeting the young person wherever possible to take all measures to ensure the home will provide positive outcomes and ensure a positive dynamic within the home at all times.


While the homes have been adapted to ensure they exceed the minimum care standards in regards to fire, health, safety and other regulations, these works have taken place in a way that maintains the warm and homely atmosphere throughout.


In regards to security or surveillance and monitoring, our homes have CCTV cameras fitted to the exterior of the exits of the property as a security measure, and additionally the homes have burglar alarms that are set between the hours of 23:00 - 07:00.


Hand In Hand Childcare promotes relational security and uses methods of observation and engagement as the primary method of surveillance. In cases where it has been risk assessed that a young person may need additional security at night, we may use a bedroom door alarm system. Before these arrangements are implemented, full consultation, agreement, and additional written consent with the Placing Authority, the young person, and the parents (where applicable) will occur.

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