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Welcome to Hand in Hand Childcare

A safe, nurturing, and empowering environment for young people to live, learn, and develop in.

Our Mission

We are dedicated to achieving the best possible outcomes for children in our residential care homes, providing unparalleled opportunities for growth.

Our Approach

Utilising a clear model of care brings us all together under a clear plan with shared goals and outcomes. We prioritise warmth, nurturing, and positive experiences that lay the groundwork for behavioural support.

Positive Relationships

The Hand in Hand model embodies the profound significance of positive relationships in children's lives, serving as catalysts for healing and holistic well-being.  By prioritising the establishment of secure emotional connections, we aim to break cycles of adversity and cultivate environments where children feel safe, valued, and unconditionally loved.

Tailored Support

We ensure that every child receives personalized therapeutic assessments and interventions tailored to their unique needs. This includes implementing recommended tools and strategies such as sensory processing guidance and emotional regulation techniques.

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Therapeutic Parenting

Rooted in the principles of the PACE model, our therapeutic parenting approach emphasizes the dual importance of structure and emotional connection in nurturing children's growth. We equip our staff with the knowledge and skills to discern the impacts of developmental trauma and approach each child's journey with empathy and understanding.

Staff Development

Recruiting and retaining a high-calibre workforce is paramount to our success, and safeguarding and promoting children's welfare are embedded within our recruitment ethos. Our team participates in continuous training and development, including fortnightly sessions with our Clinical Lead.

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What We Offer

We provide placements for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties, from seven to eighteen years old, who would benefit from living in a small nurturing, home.



Hear what our staff, partners and young people have to say about us.

"We have been working with the Hand in Hand team for around 3 years, and what a lovely team they are! I really enjoy meeting the team to deliver training, they always seem really child-focused and dedicated. 


The management is always keen to learn about new system features to ensure they get the best outcomes for the service."


- Amie

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